Apostolic Reformation
I believe there is a deep reformation happening within the Church today. God is awakening the five-fold ministries as taught in Ephesians 4:11, especially the apostolic and prophetic ministries (not that these ministries were ever gone, but just not necessarily widely acknowledged) to bring about an awareness of the reality of God’s Kingdom being here with us (Luke 17:21) and more importantly, our role and responsibility within His Kingdom.
In the New Testament, we find great examples of what I believe God is wanting to restore today within His Church. The ministry of New Testament Apostles brought oneness, order, true doctrine, accountability, and facilitated the release of the authority of the Church to flow with governmental influence within their society. God would raise up an Apostle and they would build a team or “company” of individuals who carried the five-fold graces. They would have a mission in mind and they would focus on a people or territory and take the gospel of the kingdom to those regions. Paul’s ministry is a great example... he built a company whose mission was to reach the Gentiles. Then they would set up Apostles over a region and appoint elders to bring godly order within that region. As oneness, love, and endurance developed, the ekklesia was established and was able to legislate in those territories. The only way that this could happen was if there was first a true love and a unity around the mission and a heart of oneness for the Kingdom. Regions were changed. Rulers of darkness were rooted out of their territories. They brought the message of the kingdom and preached the Word causing faith in the people of the region which changed families, neighborhoods, and even the marketplace.
For long, we have seen our cities and nations struggling. I believe this, at least in part, is because the Church has attempted to build according to our own, man-made systems and not God’s. God is calling His Bride to function again in our original mandate. I’m ready! This is why we are seeing such an incredible revival breaking out around the world – children are hearing the voice of God, teenagers are getting born again by the hundreds, marriages are being restored, leaders are receiving fresh vision, and bones are beginning to rattle just as they did at the voice of the prophet in Ezekiel 37.
Church, this is our time. Let’s come back to God’s Way and follow His pattern. Let’s be about the Great Commission more than the Great Tradition. Fathers & Mothers, we need you. Sons & Daughters, we need you. Pastors & Teachers, we need you. This is our time.
We are at the brink of a manifestation of true fathers and sons in the Church. Spiritual fathers and sons that want to see the Body of Christ effective and fruitful – activated by His love, mercy and grace, and led by His governor, the Holy Spirit. I’m in… are you with me?